Mary Murphy

Make a Mark Ltd

Course: BSc. Government

Year of study: 2nd year

College: College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences

Business name: Make a Mark Ltd

Sector: Agri-Tech

Business idea: Designing innovative solutions to solve everyday problems that sheep farmers encounter

Plans for September 2019

We have big plans for Make a Mark not only on September but in the next few months and indeed years. Like most agricultural companies, we will spend September preparing for and attending the National Ploughing Championships, which this year takes place in County Carlow. We will also be moving into our new office based in Mayo. Furthermore, Make a Mark aims to continue our research and development, with hopes of launching new products in the next 12 months.

Student Inc. Programme Highlights

My Highlights of the student Inc. programme included the sales mentoring session with Maria Coakley as well as the mentoring I received from Frank Hannigan, which was exceptionally insightful.  I felt that the real life experience that these mentors had was of great benefit and help to us.

What connections did you make on the programme?

Throughout the programme, I have made numerous connections not only with business people who will be vital to the growth and development of Make a Mark but I have also made connections with many fellow entrepreneurs who I will remain in contact with.

Any previous entrepreneurship experience before you joined Student Inc.?

Having founded Make a Mark in 2016 alongside my twin sister, I have been interested in business and all things entrepreneurship since then.

    What advice would you give to someone thinking of applying to Student Inc.?

    The advice I would give someone thinking of applying is ‘Go for it!’. Student Inc. is an amazing programme which will provide you with fantastic opportunities to really grow and scale your business.

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