Clodagh Teahan

Course: BA of Arts in Culinary Arts (Level 7 NFQ)
Year of study: 3
College: Institute of Technology Tralee
Business name: Clo-dough
Sector: Food Product
Business idea: My business is called Clo-dough. Clo-dough is s reduced sourdough starter kit containing a life time supply of sourdough yeast. A typical sourdough starter takes 10-14 days to complete, Clo-dough reduces this process down to just 3-5 days.
Plans for September 2020:
My plan for September 2020 is to gain more knowledge, experience and continue with our Clo-dough; Sourdough Kit. My aim for our kits would to have the kits available for sale– and on a supermarket shelf by September 2021, while also growing our YouTube channel and our IGTV to know knowledge of sourdough and the versatility of the product.
Any previous entrepreneurship experience before you joined Student Inc.?
Before starting the Student Inc course, I had no previous experience in this area, I feel like through the weeks you gain so much knowledge and understanding on the business world in such a short amount of time. The knowledge you gain through the mentors, the lectures etc is amazing and the support and resources available to you in the 12 weeks is so beneficial to you going forward with whatever avenue of business you decide to continue with.
What connections did you make on the programme?
As part of the programme we were introduced to many different people along the way through Zoom meetings and calls which would mostly talk about the logistics of our business and how best we were to face the challenges that come up throughout the process. The connections you make with the lectureres and mentors for CIT, UCC and ITT were great. We had the opportunity to connect with accountant, solicitors that gave advice in how to protect your name etc. It is also great to meet people that are around your age going through the same process as you and your business and the feedback and support that you receive from each other is amazing.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of applying to Student Inc.?
I would say to anyone thinking about pursuing Student Inc to definitely apply and go for it, if you have an idea that you think could work out, its great opportunity for you and your business idea going forward. The experience, the people and the knowledge that you will gain are just very positive all round. Also, that we as students are so young you never know what avenue you might cross your as you get older or where it may lead you. You will also receive €4000 SEED money in 3 instalments throughout the summer to help you grow your business.
What was your greatest learning from the programme?
I think the greatest learning that I got from the program was through the lunch and learn with Local Entrepreneurs between Cork and Tralee, I feel as though the start of the program I would look at successful businesses around the world in awe but then again all you see is them when they are successful and have achieved all there dreams. I think that by going to the lunch and learns week on week you can connect with all these different success stories and realise that they started from the same place as all of us on the programme are starting from. Through this I think it gives you the confidence to grow your business.